Courage To Grow Scholarship 2023 Apply Now

Empowering Students: The Courage To Grow Scholarship Program

At CTGS, we believe in turning dreams into reality, especially when it comes to college aspirations. The "Courage To Grow Scholarship" was crafted to support students on their journey towards higher education. We understand the financial challenges many students face, and our scholarship aims to alleviate some of these burdens.

We recognize the determination and courage it takes to pursue higher education, especially when faced with financial obstacles. The scholarship is designed to remove concerns about college funding, allowing students to focus on their education and academic goals. In today's challenging economy, where families already bear significant burdens, our aim is to ease the financial strain associated with obtaining a college education.

     D. Naziri's Vision - July 2023

In the expansive skies of my dreams, envisioning myself in the cockpit of a Boeing 777-9 after flawlessly landing, symbolizes not only the thrill of flying but also the liberation and freedom that airplanes represent to me. My ambition extends beyond personal satisfaction; I aspire to be a general surgeon, making a profound impact on the lives of others. Witnessing a surgeon's delicate maneuvers on a torn stomach ignited a passion to be a guiding light for patients. My dream further includes contributing to cancer research, an initiative I've already begun during an internship.

This scholarship isn't just financial assistance; it symbolizes a community that believes in breaking societal limitations. In a society where women are discouraged from becoming surgeons and were, until recently, banned from being pilots, the "Courage to Grow" scholarship signifies breaking barriers. With this scholarship, I hope to unlock my aspirations, paving the way for other young individuals to courageously pursue their dreams.

D.Villacorta's Reflection - June 2023

Courage is not the absence of fear but the strength to confront it and transform survival into tenacity. My journey reflects the discipline of education as my lifeline during challenging situations. From competing in a large school to secure a spot in the top 15% to supporting teachers and classmates through a health crisis, courage became my ally. As a first-generation college student, obtaining a scholarship, working part-time, and losing that scholarship due to school unreliability, courage has been my constant companion.

Amidst fears of rejection, applying again requires courage, fueled by the resilience found in knowledge. Courage isn't just overcoming challenges; it's also the strength to admit to oneself. Knowledge has been the source of my courage, shaping my identity and empowering me to face the unknown. 

Empowering Students: The Courage To Grow Scholarship Program At CTGS, we believe in turning dreams into reality, especially when it comes to college aspirations. The "Courage To Grow Scholarship" was crafted to support students on their journey towards higher education. We understand the financial challenges many students face, and our scholarship aims to alleviate some of these burdens.
Check it out 

Also, click here to know other details about Scholarship information 

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You must be a junior or senior in a high school or college with a minimum grade GPA of 2.5 or better .U.S Citizens only please.

  Deadline date : October 31, 2023 

Awards per months : 1

Award Amount : $500,00

Growing success through courage and Eduaction 


CTGS is committed to supporting students on their educational journey. The Courage To Grow Scholarship is not just financial aid; it represents a community breaking barriers and fostering courage. Through the stories of D. Naziri and D.Villacorta, we witness the transformative power of education and the resilience that defines true courage. Join us in empowering students to grow and thrive in their pursuit of knowledge. To apply for this scholarship click here to visit the official website 

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